Minru “Liminality” debut album available for pre-order


A new star rises on the sky of the Morr Music family.

Minru is the musical project of Swedish-born and Berlin-based songwriter and guitarist Caroline Blomqvist. Her debut album “Liminality” will be out 1st of July on Morr Music. The first album single “Secrets And Sins” is out now everywhere.

★ Listen & pre-order the record: https://linktr.ee/Minru

Minru says: “ ‘Secrets And Sins’ is a song about a heavy topic. It deals with that feeling of ‘loss of control’ when you lose someone. When making this song, I think I needed in some way to balance the ‘heaviness’ behind it with a warmer, catchier arrangement. So in the end it turned out, at least musically, as perhaps the brightest song on the album”.


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