Alex Zhang Hungtai’s “Young Gods Run Free” – a 50-minute fever dream

Modern Love have been quietly obsessed with Alex Zhang Hungtai’s “Young Gods Run Free” for what feels like forever. They initially got it mastered for this version back in 2020 and found it so difficult to cut to vinyl they almost gave up on it, until Lupo Lubich came to the rescue on a second attempt almost 4 years later.

The album is made of voice note recordings Alex made between 2015-2020 of his friends Ryan Garbes, Leonard King, Shawn Reed and Nick Yeck-Stauffer and himself making a sort of free jazz racket in his apartment, later carefully assembled into this absolute time-dilating 50 minute fever dream. It’s one of those records you probably don’t wanna skip thru for clips, just live inside it for a bit and you’ll most likely understand the obsession.

Alex Zhang Hungtai’s “Young Gods Run Free” has been published on Modern Love.


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