DVD / Blu-ray

In times of streaming services, you might think that storage media such as DVD and Blu-ray have become obsolete. Well, the opposite is the case.

How often has it happened that the Arthouse film you were looking for is no longer available? Or only on the portal, for which you would have to take out another subscription.

Not to mention tour documentaries of great historical value, films and videos of theatre, art or performance productions. We certainly don’t want to place our confidence in YouTube as a keeper of values and the memory of mankind.

In short, we would like to take up the cudgels in favour of consistency and with this in mind: Long live the DVD, long live the Blu-ray!

➜ To ensure that everything fits in the end, we offer DVD / Blu-ray specifications and further information to download. You can also find the GEMA registration form for mechanical royalties here. Further specifications and information are available on request.

DVD Samples

Here you can see some nice examples of DVDs and its packaging. Combinations of CD and DVD are popular.

As the Blu-ray is identical in size and thickness to the DVD, all DVD packaging is of course also suitable for Blu-ray discs.


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