Legal notice

handle with care
Owner: Silke Maurer

Brunnenstraße 183 / Garden shed
10119 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 4004 30 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)30 4004 30 – 10

(VAT) Value Added Tax-No.: DE 812504682


Foto Credits

Headphones & Hard Drive by Philip Hartmann
In Ear Headphones by mistah grape
Turntable © 2016 by Tony Martin
Turntable by Mikk Mikkelson



All information on this website has thoroughly been investigated. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any responsibility or liability for the completeness, accuracy or current relevance of the information provided. We are not responsible for the correctnes of any contents linked or referred to from our pages. Handle with care, owner Silke Maurer, reserves the right to reject liability claims regarding material or ideational damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect.

We do not assume liability or guarantee for any contents directly or indirectly linked or referred to from our pages and we are not responsible for any contents of other pages referring to ours. As we do not have any influence on the layout and the contents of the linked pages, we hereby explicitly dissociate ourselves from the contents of all linked pages, except the links to pages belonging to handle with care.

All texts, pictures, drawings and diagrams are subject to copyright and intellectual property laws. All contents are meant for personal information only. Any further commercial use such as the storage in data bases, further publication, duplication or any other form of commercial use as well as the distribution to third parties, even in parts or in revised form, is not permitted without the rightholder’s consent.