Out now: “Insomnia” by ALARMSIGNAL

ALARMSIGNAL – The band name has unmistakably been the programme for 25 years now. A time in which the band has made a name for itself beyond the borders of German punk, not least thanks to their chart entry at number 20 with their last album “Ästhetik des Widerstands” and numerous sold-out shows. Now their new, ninth studio album ‘Insomnia’ has been released.

Even the title of the album aptly describes the sleepless nights that many of us are having in these troubled times. Singer and bassist Steff explains: “On a political and social level, many things are robbing us of sleep: the stupidity, ignorance, selfishness, hatred and backwardness of humanity. It’s 2024 and instead of learning from the past, Europe is moving further and further to the right. Far-right language and hate speech are becoming more and more acceptable, among politicians, in society, everywhere. Social networks are full of racism, anti-Semitism, fake news and horrific sexism or homophobia.”

All of this and the obvious personal issues have an impact on ALARMSIGNAL’s work and have been incorporated into the creation of the new album “Insomnia”.

“Insomnia” by ALARMSIGNAL is available as neon yellow vinyl LP or CD in digisleeve.


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