No Man’s Valley “Chrononaut Cocktailbar / Flight Of The Sloths”

The new album of the psych/alternative rock band from the Netherlands comes with a double title & double artwork in one cover.

The two sides of the album perfectly show the two wolves that are in the band: one wolf likes to write songs with solid structure and melody, while the other wolf likes to go completely nuts when it comes to progressive creativity. This has always been the case with NO MAN ´S VALLEY, but never before has the contrast been so stark, the dark and the light, the softness and the aggression.

NO MAN ´S VALLEY have found peace in these two opposites, and this album is the result. Side A with six songs and side B contains a massive, almost 19-minute longtrack.


The split LP with split cover edition contains 500 copies (150 copies label edition blue white marbled | 350 copies regular edition red marbled) with insert sheet and download card coming 19.04. at Tonzonen Records


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