Sonopress produces the world’s first EcoRecord + EcoCD

The past few years have turned the record industry upside down.

The idea of making record production more sustainable has been driving the industry for quite some time. While the focus was mostly on the use of renewable energies for production processes, it is now on the record itself.

Already in 2020, optimal media developed the ReVinyl, which consists of 100% recycled material, obtained from the internal material recovery of edge trimmings and production returns. Other manufacturers followed suit.

BioVinyl was launched a year and a half ago and has since enjoyed enormous popularity and demand among artists, labels and customers alike. BioVinyl (also known as Beyond Vinyl) uses bio-based PVC from recycled used cooking oil instead of petroleum-based PVC.

Sonopress has now developed the EcoRecord, the first record made of recyclable PET (instead of PVC). According to Sonopress, neither natural gas nor steam is needed to press the discs, and the environmental impact of the manufacturing process can be reduced by up to 85% compared to conventional methods.

The EcoRecords are produced by injection moulding and have already found their first prominent users: the new joint album by Liam Gallagher & John Squire was partly released as EcoRecord and the new Coldplay album has just been released in sustainable versions on both vinyl and EcoCD (also made of PET), which were partly made from recycled plastic bottles.

The hurdles for use are still high, especially for the EcoCD. The minimum order for the EcoRecord is 500 units, for the EcoCD it is currently 5,000 units. Nevertheless, we are pleased to be able to offer both products. Feel free to contact us for further information and prices.

In any case, this is another step towards more climate-friendly productions and thus towards making the record (and the CD) fit for the future.


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