XKatedral is starting the new year with a real firework of exciting releases

“Slavic Folk Songs” (2LP) by Ansis Bētiņš & Artūrs Čukurs

“Slavic Folk Songs” by Ansis Bētiņš & Artūrs Čukurs is a collection of songs and sacred chants from diverse Slavic regions, based on oral traditions and melodies often without authors or composers, with a special emphasis on Ukrainian songs. The songs have been arranged by the duo for two voices and are performed a cappella by Latvian singers Ansis Bētiņš and Artūrs Čukurs, in various techniques, characteristic to the specific Slavic singing traditions. The songs are performed in a traditional style of singing called “white voice” which requires no significant amplification or accompaniment. The record outlines a path of perils, struggles and the misfortunes of the world, yet is full of longing, respites, fleeting moments of joy and relentless hope and love throughout.

“Belt of Orion” (LP) by Isak Edberg

“Belt of Orion” by Stockholm-based Isak Edberg is the composer’s second solo release on XKatedral, and his first to focus solely on instrumental music in the form of two pieces of extended duration for solo piano.

“Glory Fades” (LP) by Yair Elazar Glotman & Mats Erlandsson

“Glory Fades” by Yair Elazar Glotman & Mats Erlandsson is a song book written using a common collaborative musical language developed by Yair Elazar Glotman and Mats Erlandsson, building intimate musical spaces, primarily focused on acoustic instrumentation with electronic counterparts contributing light and shade. Throughout the eight songs on the record, each piece unfolds according to its own logic while simultaneously reflecting the overarching tonality of the song book as a whole.

All three records come in a limited edition of 300 copies only. Release date is January 17th, all titles available to pre-order, still some copies left at XKatedral.


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