Miki Yuis „As If“ ist eine subtil verknüpfte Kollektion elektronischer Musik, die aus Improvisationen und zufälligen modularen Syntheseprozessen besteht

Miki Yui is a musician, artist, and composer, originally from Tokyo, who has been based in Düsseldorf since 1994. Her whose work has long explored multiple forms of media, while documenting liminal zones of perception. On her latest album, „As If“, Yui creates a subtly connected suite of electronic music, drawn from improvisations and randomised processes that she has engaged with modular synthesis. Deeply poetic in its expression, even at its most minimal, the six pieces on As If have a curious tenor – they are, each of them, intensely sensuous, almost haptic listening experiences, as though the laser focus that Yui displays towards her compositions allows her to engage them as almost physical presences in the world.

Miki Yui’s »As If« has been released digitally via Hallow Ground from Lucerne, Switzerland last year, the vinyl is now finally available as well.


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